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Parliamentarians Youdon Aukatsang and Ratsa Sonam Norbu Commence Visit to Dehradun

jeudi 7 mars 2024 par Tenzin Jigme
Dehradun: As per the program of the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile to visit the general public, Parliamentarian Youdon Aukatsang and Parliamentarian Ratsa Sonam Norbu commenced their official visit to Dehradun and nearby areas. They arrived in Dickyiling in the evening of 4th March 2024. On (...)

Department of Education Organises Training on Art Therapy for School Counselors

jeudi 7 mars 2024 par Tenzin Jigme
Bengaluru: From February 26th to March 1st, 2024, the Counseling Section of the Department of Education, CTA, organised a five-day training on art therapy for school counselors at the Dalai Lama Institute for Higher Education (DLIHE) in Bengaluru. The objective of the training was to provide a (...)

Swiss Parliamentary Group for Tibet Re-Established After Elections

jeudi 7 mars 2024 par Tenzin Jigme
Geneva: The Swiss Parliamentary Group for Tibet was re-established after the elections in Switzerland and held its first meeting on 5th March 2024 in the parliament building on the sidelines of the ongoing spring session of the Swiss Parliament. During the meeting, Representative of His (...)

Department of Finance Invites Applications for Tibet Corps Volunteer Service for Year 2024-25

mercredi 6 mars 2024 par Dawa Tsering
Dharamshala: Tibet Corps, an initiative administered by the Social and Resource Development Fund within the Department of Finance, Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), serves as a vital platform for Tibetan professionals, university students, and retired scholars residing in India, Nepal, (...)

The Dalai Lama Graduate Scholarship Academic Year 2024/25

mercredi 6 mars 2024 par Dawa Tsering
Zurich: The Gaden Phodrang Foundation of the Dalai Lama is delighted to announce “The Dalai Lama Graduate Scholarship” for the academic year 2024/25. This scholarship program is open to all full-time Tibetan graduate students pursuing Master’s or Doctoral degrees in Europe, the Americas, (...)

CONFERENCE STATEMENT: 9th International Conference of Tibet Support Groups

mercredi 6 mars 2024 par Dawa Tsering
Dharamshala: The Ninth International Conference of Tibet Support Groups (TSGs) was convened in Brussels, capital of the European Union, with over 170 delegates from 40 countries around the world. Since the last gathering of TSGs in Dharamshala in 2019, we have seen a greater understanding of (...)

19th Local Assembly of Tibetan Community of Switzerland and Liechtenstein Sworn in

mercredi 6 mars 2024 par Rangzen Dolma
Geneva: Tibetan Local Justice Commissioner of Southern region, Phuntsok Palden, joined Representative of Tibet Bureau Geneva cum Election Commissioner, Thinlay Chukki, along with the staff of the Office of Tibet and the official witnesses to administer the oath of office to the newly elected (...)

Department of Health Holds 27th Governing Body Meeting of Tibetan Voluntary Health Association

mercredi 6 mars 2024 par Rangzen Dolma
Dharamshala: On March 1, 2024, the 27th Governing Body Meeting of the Tibetan Voluntary Health Association (TVHA) for the fiscal year 2023–2024 was held at the Department of Health in Dharamshala. Honourable Health Kalon Penpa Tsering and the Society Chairman, chaired the gathering. The interim (...)

Preparatory Committee in Taiwan Holds Several Meetings to Discuss Arrangements for Upcoming Tibetan National Uprising Day

mercredi 6 mars 2024 par Dawa Tsering
Taiwan: The 10th March preparatory committee in Taiwan, including the Tibetan Association of Taiwan and Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, was making all-out preparations for the upcoming 65th Tibetan National Uprising Day commemoration under the leadership of the Taipei-based Office of Tibet. In (...)

Office of Tibet, Washington DC Hosts Canadian Parliamentary Delegation

mercredi 6 mars 2024 par Rangzen Dolma
Washington DC: The Office of Tibet welcomed a Canadian Parliamentary delegation from Quebec on 4 March 2024. In honor of the visiting delegation, the Office of Tibet hosted a dinner. The distinguished guests included Yves-François Blanchet, leader of the Bloc Québécois and MP for Beloeil—Chambly; (...)

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