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Tibetan Refugee Self Help Handicraft Society Office Shimla Observes Handing-over Ceremony

vendredi 9 août 2024 par Tenzin Choetso — Reports from CTA Offices
Shimla: On 8 August 2024, as per the direction from the Department of Home, Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) Dharamshala, a formal handing and taking over ceremony took place between the Chief Representative cum Managing Director (MD) Tsewang Phuntsok and the new MD Shawo Dhundup of the (...)

Local Tibetan Justice Commissioner Phuntsok Palden Conducts Legal Awareness Campaign in Mundgod, Attends Swearing in Ceremony of 12th LTA

vendredi 9 août 2024 par Dawa Tsering — Reports from CTA Offices
Mundgod: The Local Tibetan Justice Commissioner of the southern region, Phuntsok Palden, conducted a legal awareness campaign for residents of the Doeguling Tibetan Settlement in Mundgod and officiated the oath-taking ceremony for the newly elected members of the Local Tibetan Assembly (LTA) on (...)

Tibetan Parliamentary Delegation Advocates Tibet, Meets Key Indian Leaders

vendredi 9 août 2024 par Tenzin Choetso — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Dharamshala: A Tibetan parliamentary delegation led by Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, continued their Tibet outreach campaign on their fourth day of the Tibet advocacy campaign meeting key Indian leaders. They held meetings with Shri. Sujeet Kumar, Rajya Sabha MP; Shri Kethi Reddy Suresh Reddy, (...)

Sikyong Penpa Tsering Attends Inaugural of 6th General Body Meeting of Tibetan Trader’s Association in Ludhiana

vendredi 9 août 2024 par Dawa Tsering — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Ludhiana, Punjab: On 8 August 2024, Sikyong Penpa Tsering attended the opening ceremony of the 6th General Body Meeting of the Tibetan Trader’s Association, held at the King Palace in Ludhiana. The event was also graced by notable guests, including Secretary Tsering Dhondup from the Department (...)

Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel’s Speech at the Revival of APIPFT

vendredi 9 août 2024 par Tenzin Choetso — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Dharamshala: Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel of the 17th Tibetan Parliament in Exile delivered his inaugural speech at the revival of All-Party Indian Parliamentary Forum for Tibet (APIPFT) held on 7 August 2024. The Speaker said “Tashi Delek and Namaste to all the Honourable Members of the Indian (...)

Tibetan Parliamentarian Tenzing Jigme to Visit Portland

vendredi 9 août 2024 par Tenzin Choetso — Reports from CTA Offices
Dharamshala: As per the program of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, Parliamentarian Tenzing Jigme from North America will visit Tibetans in Portland from 10 to 11 August 2024. Following due deliberation in the Standing Committee and discussion with the administration, Tibetan parliamentary (...)

Representative Thinley Chukki Honours Welcome Reception Upon Kyabje Yongzin Ling Rinpoche’s Arrival in Switzerland

jeudi 8 août 2024 par Ngawang Tsepak — Reports from CTA Offices
Geneva: Kyabje Yongzin Ling Rinpoche arrived in Switzerland at the behest of the Sera Thekchen Ling Association. Upon Rinpoche’s arrival at Zurich airport, Rinpoche was warmly received and welcomed by Representative Thinlay Chukki of the Tibet Bureau Geneva, Abbot of the Rikon Dharma centre, (...)

Shri Bhartruhari Mahtab and Shri Tapir Gao Become New Convener and Co-Convener of the All Party Indian Parliamentary Forum for Tibet

jeudi 8 août 2024 par Dawa Tsering — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Dharamshala: The All Party Indian Parliamentary Forum for Tibet (APIPFT) appointed Shri Bhartruhari Mahtab, pro tem Speaker of the 18th Lok Sabha and MP of the BJP, as Convener, and Shri Tapir Gao, MP of the BJP, as Co-convener, marking the successful revival of the forum on August 7, 2024. The (...)

Department of Education Publishes & Distributes Tibetan Textbook for Tibetan Language and Culture School

jeudi 8 août 2024 par Tenzin Choetso — Reports from CTA Offices
Dharamshala: The Department of Education of the Central Tibetan Administration published and distributed the Tibetan language textbooks for Pre-Primary to Class 4 of Tibetan Language and Culture Schools in Western countries. Over the last ten years, the Department of Education has consistently (...)

Department of Religion and Culture Commences Second Monastic Teachers’ Training at Sarah College

jeudi 8 août 2024 par Dawa Tsering — Reports from CTA Offices
Dharamshala: The Department of Religion and Culture, Central Tibetan Administration, commenced its second training on ‘Primary Teachings for Monastic Teachers’ yesterday, 7 August 2024, at the College for Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarah. Secretary Dhondul Dorjee graced the training’s inaugural (...)

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