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Journée d’études : Typologie des systèmes évidentiels

mercredi 16 février 2022 par admin
Françoise Robin, Nicolas Tournadre et Eric Mélac annoncent la tenue de la journée d’études suivante : Typologie des systèmes évidentiels le 25 février 2022 à l’Auditorium Dumézil, Maison de la Recherche, Inalco, 2 rue de [...]

Poste de professeur en Langues et Cultures de l’Asie du Sud et Asie intérieure à Vienne

mercredi 16 février 2022 par admin — Autres actualités, Postes et bourses
L’Université de Vienne annonce le recrutement d’un.e professeur.e en Langues et Cultures de l’Asie du Sud et Asie intérieure (Languages and Cultures of South and Inner Asia). Le poste est axé sur la zone géographique [...]

Beijing Has Dimmed Spotlight on Tibetan Oppression Since 2008 Olympics

mercredi 16 février 2022 par Staff Reporter
The New York Sun-By Jeremy Furchtgott Leading American politicians are calling the 2022 Beijing Olympics the “Genocide Games” in highlighting China’s oppression of Uyghurs in Xinjiang. This year’s concerns echo those about Tibetans in the leadup to the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Remember, Tibetan (...)

Massive Arrests of Tibetan Buddhists in Sichuan After Statue Protests

mercredi 16 février 2022 par Staff Reporter
HE YUYAN for Bitter Winter In December 2021, Bitter Winter reported that a 30-meter (99-feet) tall statue of the Buddha had been destroyed by the authorities in Drakgo (Ch. Luhuo). Drakgo is under the administration of Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and is part of Kham, one of the regions (...)

Representative of Washington’s Office of Tibet Meets US Senate Committee on Foreign Relation Officials

mercredi 16 février 2022 par Staff Reporter
Washington DC: Representatives Namgyal Choedup, Secretary Tashi Dhondup, ICT Interim Director Bhuchung K. Tsering, and ICT Interim Deputy Director Tencho Gyatso met with US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations senior officials Charlotte Oldham-Moore, Michael Schiffer, Molly Barlow-Legislative (...)

Parliamentarians Tsering Yangchen and Choedak Gyatso Meet Tibetan students and college Professors in Mangalore

mardi 15 février 2022 par Staff Reporter
Mangalore: Parliamentarians Tsering Yangchen and Choedak Gyatso of the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile successfully completed their visitation in Mangalore meeting Tibetan students and college Professors from 13th to 14th February 2022. The visitation started with meeting and speaking with the (...)

Parution de : Le tibétain parlé : exercices pratiques

mardi 15 février 2022 par admin — Autres actualités, Parutions
Les Presses de l’INALCO annoncent la parution de leur dernier ouvrage : Le tibétain parlé : exercices pratiques par Camille Simon, Françoise Robin, Nyima Dorjee Cet ouvrage vise à l’acquisition pratique des bases de la [...]

Tibet’s Stolen Child

mardi 15 février 2022 par Staff Reporter
The post Tibet’s Stolen Child appeared first on Central Tibetan Administration.

Tibetan nomads sent to labor camps for politically sensitive material on cell phones

mardi 15 février 2022 par Staff Reporter
Radio Free Asia The detentions come amid increased surveillance of Tibetans in and around Drago county. Authorities in China’s Tibet Autonomous Region are detaining more nomadic Tibetans in Drago county and sending them to labor camps for having content deemed politically inappropriate on their (...)

UNPO Secretary General Visits Office Of Tibet

mardi 15 février 2022 par Staff Reporter
Brussels, 14 February 2022: Representative Tashi Phuntsok and EU Advocacy Officer Rigzin Genkhang met with the UNPO Secretary General Mr Ralph Bunche at the Office of Tibet, Brussels, today. During their one-and-half hour meeting, they discussed five areas of common interest and opportunities (...)

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