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OoT Taiwan’s Secretary Migyur Youdon Attends 111th Taiwan National Day Celebration

mardi 11 octobre 2022 par Staff Reporter
Taipei: Secretary Migyur Youdon of the Office of Tibet (OoT), Taiwan, attended the celebration of the 111th Taiwan National Day organised by the Government of Taiwan at the Taipei Guest House yesterday, 10 October 2022. Secretary congratulated the Taiwanese people and nation on behalf of (...)

Election Commission conducts second round of awareness workshop for Regional Election Commissioners

mardi 11 octobre 2022 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: After the completion of the first segment of the electoral training program for the regional election commissioners from North, Central and South India at New Delhi, the Election Commission conducted the same training for the Regional Election commissioners from North east, Nepal (...)

TIPA Hosts Welcome Reception for Delegates of Compassionate Leadership Summit

mardi 11 octobre 2022 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: In order to create a welcome greeting for the delegates who attended the Compassionate Leadership Submit, coordinators of the Compassionate Leadership Summit Katy Seager and Geshe Dorjee Gyaltsen invited the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts (TIPA) to perform a classical Tibetan (...)

Education Kalon Tharlam Dolma concludes assessment tour of Tibetan language and culture schools in Belgium

mardi 11 octobre 2022 par Staff Reporter
Brussels: Education Kalon concluded her assessment tour of weekend schools in the Paris region, and departed for Brussels where she was received by Jamyang Lophel Tibetan language and culture school staff, students and parents. In her address at the weekend school in Brussels, Kalon emphasised (...)

Doctorat financé sur les études frontalières en Asie

mardi 11 octobre 2022 par admin — Autres actualités, Postes et bourses
L’Université de Tallinn annonce le recrutement d’un.e doctorant.e pour un projet portant sur les études frontalières en Asie. Le projet prévoit un financement à temps plein, pour un projet dans le domaine interdisciplinaire des études (...)

Kashag condoles demise of Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav, former Defence Minister

mardi 11 octobre 2022 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: The Officiating Sikyong, Security Kalon Gyari Dolma today wrote to the bereaved family of late Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav to extend Kashag’s condolences. The former Indian Defence Minister and U.P Chief Minister breathed his last on Monday due to prolonged illness. In a letter (...)

Health Secretary raises fund for TNSA and launches awareness programs in US

mardi 11 octobre 2022 par Staff Reporter
Washington: The Office of Tibet received the arrival of Department of Health’s Secretary Palden Dhondup and the Tibetan National Sports Association (TNSA) Executive Director Tenzin Rinchen Lama in Washington DC on Thursday, 6 October. The delegation from CTA’s Health Department is visiting New (...)

Japan Must Get Tough on China to Help Persecuted Minorities Survive

mardi 11 octobre 2022 par Staff Reporter
“We need more people to join us in this fight. We need to use the conscience of Japan to help make up for what is broken inside of China.” ーYoshiko Sakurai October 9, 2022. By Jason Morgan for JAPAN Forward. Panelists in the seminar on Tibet, Uyghur and Southern Mongolia. Sikyong Penpa Tsering (...)

Tibetan President Penpa Tsering’s New Mission to Protect Tibet’s Lands, People, and Neighbors

mardi 11 octobre 2022 par Staff Reporter
“Tibet is not just a political issue. It is an environmental and livelihood issue too. Ten major rivers of Southeast Asian countries originate from Tibet.” October 8, 2022. By Jason Morgan for Japan Forward. Sikyong Penpa Tsering addressing the seminar on Tibet, Uyghur and Southern Mongolia. (...)

Chinese Liaison Officer Tsultrim Gyatso Convenes Meeting with Citizen Power Initiatives for China

mardi 11 octobre 2022 par Staff Reporter
Washington DC: The Chinese Liaison Office of Washington’s Office of Tibet organised a meeting with the US-based Chinese researchers to discuss strengthening collaborations and pan out the future course of activities. Liaison Officer Tsultrim Gyatso headed the meeting with Director Yang Jianli, (...)

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