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Tibetan across Russia go to the polls to elect new CTA leadership

Moscow: Despite being one of the smallest Tibetan communities in the world, Tibetans in Russia went to the polls with great zest this Sunday to elect the next Sikyong, President of Central Tibetan Administration and Member of the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile. Currently, there are fewer than (...)

“Gratitude”: Alibaba’s Odd Response To China’s Record Anti-Trust Fine

lundi 12 avril 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
“Alibaba would not have achieved our growth without sound government regulation and service, and the critical oversight, tolerance and support from all of our constituencies have been crucial to our development,” the company said in an open letter. World(c) 2021, BloombergCoco Liu, Bloomberg. (...)

Extraordinary and unprecedented: Tibetans in Western Europe hold final elections amid third lockdown

Belgium: Tibetans in Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Spain exercised their franchise for the final round of the general Tibetan election of Sikyong and Chithue on Sunday, 11 April. Given that it took place in the third lockdown in the region in itself is an amazing feat. Once again (...)

Tibetans in Japan vote for new Sikyong and Parliament Members

lundi 12 avril 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash, 17th Tibetan Parliament, 2021 sikyong, Tibetan Election
Tokyo: 67.2 percent of Tibetans living in Japan today cast their ballots for the final round of election of the new Sikyong, Tibetan political leader, and members of the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile of the Central Tibetan Administration. Tibetans from different parts of Japan, including (...)

Biden Secretary Of State Condemns China’s ‘Acts Of Genocide’ Against Muslim Uyghurs

lundi 12 avril 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
Jonathan Ponciano, Forbes. April 12, 2021. Secretary of State Antony Blinken staunchly rebuked China on Sunday for acts of genocide against Muslim Uyghurs in its Xinjiang region, saying the United States stands “resolutely against” the nation’s “egregious” human rights violations and urging U.S. (...)

Tibetans in 26 countries cast votes for Dharamshala-based parliament-in-exile

lundi 12 avril 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
The Indian Express 11 April 2021 DHARAMSHALA: Tibetans living in 26 countries including India on Sunday voted for the final phase of the general election for the Dharamshala-based parliament-in-exile to elect the next Sikyong (president), an official said. Forty-five members of the Central (...)

Flattered to Be on China’s Sanctions List

lundi 12 avril 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
We’ll keep exposing Beijing’s egregious religious-freedom violations in Xinjiang. By Gayle Manchin and Tony Perkins for Wall Street Journal. April 11, 2021. The Chinese Communist Party recently imposed sanctions against us for our work on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. (...)

China launches hotline to report ‘illegal’ comments about Communist party

lundi 12 avril 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
The Guardian 12 April 2021 China’s cyber regulator has launched a hotline to report online criticism of the ruling Communist party and its history, vowing to crack down on “historical nihilists” ahead of the party’s 100th anniversary in July. The tip line allows people to report fellow internet (...)

China’s Plan For Mega Dam In Tibet Raises Concern In India

lundi 12 avril 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
All IndiaAgence France-PresseUpdated: April 11, 2021 9:14 am IST The structure will span the Brahmaputra River before the waterway leaves the Himalayas and flows into India, straddling the world’s longest and deepest canyon at an altitude of more than 4,900 feet. Beijing: China is planning a (...)

A Proud day for Tibetan democracy: Tibetans worldwide vote for next Sikyong and Chithue

Dharamshala: At a time when democracy remains a distant dream in China-occupied Tibet, the exhilarating spectacle of tens of thousands of diaspora Tibetans casting their ballot to elect their next Sikyong and Members of the Tibetan Parliament in the Sunday final elections was a sight to behold. (...)

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