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FBI opens a new investigation into China ‘every 10 hours,’ bureau director says

jeudi 15 avril 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
By Mike Conte, Christian Sierra and Ben Westcott for CNN. April 15, 2021 Dramatic videos show Chinese naval exercises amid rising tensions over Taiwan(CNN)The FBI has more than 2,000 investigations that tie back to the Chinese government and is opening a new one “every 10 hours,” the bureau’s (...)

U.S., India Step Up Fight With China Over the Next Dalai Lama

jeudi 15 avril 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
Sudhi Ranjan Sen for Bloomberg Business News Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama—the spiritual leader of Tibetans, who lives in exile in India—turns 86 in July. The choice of his successor is shaping up to be a struggle between India and the U.S. on the one hand and China on the other. The Dalai (...)

Chinese Police Arrest Six Prominent Tibetans in Kardze

jeudi 15 avril 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
Reported by Lobe Socktsang for RFA’s Tibetan Service. Translated by Tenzin Dickyi. Written in English by Richard Finney. Chinese police in Sichuan’s Kardze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture have arrested six Tibetans considered prominent in their communities in recent weeks, with the reasons for (...)

Applications Invited for 8th Intensive Course on Tibetan language and Buddhist Philosophy 2021

jeudi 15 avril 2021 par Staff Reporter — Announcements
The Department of Religion and Culture of Central Tibetan Administration invites application from college graduates or college going Tibetan students to take part in the 8th Six-Month Intensive Course on Tibetan Language and Buddhist Philosophy at Gyudmed Monastery based in Hunsur. This program (...)

Special online meeting of Tibet Interest Group in European Parliament for Tibet Lobby Day 19 April

jeudi 15 avril 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash, Office of Tibet Brussels, Tibet lobby day
Brussels: An exclusive online lobby day is being organised on April 19 by the International Campaign for Tibet (ICT), Europe in association with Tibet Interest Group (TIG) of the European Parliament. The day-long programme will be participated by six Tibetans in Europe. They are from Poland, (...)

Parliamentarians Geshe Gangri and Namgyal Qusar Sworn in

mercredi 14 avril 2021 par Staff Reporter — Reports from CTA Offices
Dharamshala: In accordance with the Article 57, clause (I) (II) and the Article 47 of the Charter of Tibetans-in-Exile, Deputy Speaker Acharya Yeshi Phuntsok administered the oath of office to the new Parliament members Ven. Geshe Gangri of Domey province and Namgyal Qusar of U-Tsang province (...)

Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia’s New Representative Karma Singey assumes office

mercredi 14 avril 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Canberra, 14 April: Representative Karma Singey for Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia, formally took charge from the outgoing Representative Lhakpa Tshoko in a ceremony on 14 April. Kasur Chope Tsering bore witness to the handing-taking over of the Representatives in person. Similarly, (...)

Cycle de conférences du GRITH – Riga Shakya

mercredi 14 avril 2021 par admin — Autres conférences et colloques, Conférences
Le Groupe de recherche interuniversitaire sur le Tibet et l’Himalaya (GRITH) de l’Université de Laval, au Québec, annonce la tenue de la [...]

Tibet set for tough changes

mercredi 14 avril 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
Jayadeva Ranade President, Centre for China Analysis and Strategy The Tribune 14 April 2021 China’s recently concluded national-level meetings, held in Beijing in March every year, portend dramatic changes in the social, cultural and economic landscape of Tibet, along our northern border. The (...)

China Poses Biggest Threat to U.S., Intelligence Report Says

mercredi 14 avril 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
New York Times 13 April 2021 WASHINGTON — China’s effort to expand its growing influence represents one of the largest threats to the United States, according to a major annual intelligence report released on Tuesday, which also warned of the broad national security challenges posed by Moscow and (...)

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