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Representative Thinley Chukki Accords Welcome Reception Upon Arrival of the 43rd Sakya Trizin at Swiss Dechen ling Sakya Centre

mardi 30 juillet 2024 par Tenzin Choetso — Reports from CTA Offices
Swiss: Representative Thinley Chukki of the Tibet Bureau in Geneva, accompanied by UN Advocacy Officer Phuntsok Topgyal, extended a warm welcome to the 43rd Sakya Trizin Khondung Gyana Vajra Rinpoche upon arrival on 29 July 2024 at the entrance of the Swiss Dechen ling Sakya centre. The 43rd (...)

World Hepatitis day – “Its Time for Action- Test, Treat and Vaccinate“

mardi 30 juillet 2024 par Dawa Tsering — Reports from CTA Offices
Dharamshala: World Hepatitis Day is observed annually on 28 July to raise awareness on hepatitis, which is an inflammation of the liver caused by variety of infectious viruses and non infectious agents leading to health problems some of which can be fatal. This years theme on world hepatitis (...)

Tibetan Parliament’s Local Tibetan Assembly Workshop Begins in Hunsur

mardi 30 juillet 2024 par Dawa Tsering — Reports from CTA Offices
Hunsur: A five-day workshop titled “Strengthening Democracy at the Grass-Root Level,” organised by the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, began in Hunsur, Karnataka on 29 July 2024. The workshop is being led by parliamentarians Youdon Aukatsang and Khenpo Jamphal Tenzin. Participants include members of (...)

Sikyong Penpa Tsering Addresses Tibetan Communities in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Chicago

mardi 30 juillet 2024 par Dawa Tsering — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Dharamshala: As part of the ongoing official engagements in the US, Sikyong Penpa Tsering of the Central Tibetan Administration attended celebrations extending gratitude to the US government for enacting the Resolve Tibet Act at various Tibetan community centres and addressed the gatherings in (...)

UN Advocacy Officer of Tibet Bureau-Geneva Attends Commemoration of Swiss Regional Centre For Middle Way Initiative’s Founding Anniversary

mardi 30 juillet 2024 par Dawa Tsering — Reports from CTA Offices
Switzerland: Phuntsok Topgyal, the UN Advocacy Officer at the Tibet Bureau in Geneva, attended the event celebrating founding anniversary of the regional Centre For Middle Way Initiative of Switzerland at Tibet Institute Rikon, along with Abbot of the Tibet Institute Rikon on 28 July 2024. It (...)

Panel Discussion on ‘Forced Closure of Ragya Sherig Norling Educational Institution: Causes and Impacts’

lundi 29 juillet 2024 par Ngawang Tsepak — Reports from CTA Offices
Dharamshala: The Tibet Policy Institute, a research center affiliated with the Central Tibetan Administration, hosted a panel discussion titled “Forced Closure of Ragya Sherig Norling Educational Institute: Causes and Impacts” this morning at 10 a.m. in the TPI Hall. The event featured (...)

America’s Resolve Tibet Act and India as Third Polarity in Sino-Tibetan Negotiations

lundi 29 juillet 2024 par Dawa Tsering — News From Other Sites
If negotiations take place, Tibetans should add India as a third polarity as in every case, India will remain Tibet’s neighbour -by Claude Arpi for Firstpost It was an interesting coincidence that the book—Imperial Games in Tibet—of former ambassador, Dilip Sinha, appeared on the market at the (...)

Kham Kathok Tibetan Settlement Celebrates Signing of Resolve Tibet Act by US Government

lundi 29 juillet 2024 par Tenzin Choetso — Reports from CTA Offices
Kham Kathok, Sataun: The Tibetan Settlement Office of Kham Kathok, in collaboration with the regional Tibetan Co-operative Society, commenced an appreciation ceremony on 24 July 2024. An event was held to express gratitude to the US government for supporting and endorsing the Resolve Tibet Act, (...)

Education Council Committee Member Nyima Dhondup Concludes Inspection Tour of Tibetan Schools around Dehradun

lundi 29 juillet 2024 par Tenzin Choetso — Reports from CTA Offices
Dharamshala: The Education Council, Department of Education (CTA) member, Nyima Dhondup, former Principal of Palkhang Academy, successfully concluded an inspection tour of Tibetan schools around Dehradun on 27 July 2024. The Committee member, Nyima Dhondup, undertook a series of visits to (...)

Profiling Tibetan Political Prisoners – Monlam Gyatso

samedi 27 juillet 2024 par Dawa Tsering — Situation in Tibet, Situation in Tibet News
The post Profiling Tibetan Political Prisoners – Monlam Gyatso appeared first on Central Tibetan Administration.

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